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20 years of age. Loves making bday cards and lazing around the house.

Be nice to me & i'll be twice as nice to you.



Burberry bag, purse, watch, scarf and every other things that has to do with Burberry
New mp3
New watch
More soft toys
More friends
Superb violin skills :)


pastel colours
Charmmy Kitty..?
all my dear friends
nice food


Friday, October 30, 2009
a long string of thoughts *

My week finally ended, I mean school. Its suppose to be a time to rejoice and cruise into the weekend. But stress and depress is what I felt. What the fck. Took the long bus journey home and I tend to fall into deep tots when travelling. And so I did.

I think im being too good to my friends. Am I? At least I feel I am. Put them at almost the top of the priority list. Make them laugh so that every moment tgt will be fun and memorable. Easy-going, whatever is fine even eating lady's finger and bitter gourd. I only want ppl around me to be happy. Yet after all these... Maybe I shld change. But this is me.

Some passengers board the bus, a guy enveloped in a thick layer of smoke sat infront. Smoke me to paradise. Will anyone grieve for me when I go somewhere high above the skies or deep below the ground?
Maybe for that lil moment that lasted in a blink of an eye. I shld have chosen another world instead.

A light blue Volkswagen passed me, shouting 'Hi im your dream car'. As you've said, you are only a car in my dreams. So shut up and move on. Look at Nissan, Toyota and Honda. Snap right back into the reality. 3 things due next week. Better get them done nicely or this sem will be so screwed. Tml is lined up with activities too. No crashing of timing and that shld be the way.

How do ppl live their lives. How do they know what they want. What do I want. I cant figure out the answers. Opened my door and stepped into a balcony with pet bedding across the floor. So I stared sternly at her but was melted instead. Front paws lifted, maybe trying to say 'Im hungry' or 'Im so bored'. At least.... there's someone who looks for me. Im home Muffin!
2:48:00 PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I thought my 21st party is going to be a nightmare... but it turned out to be real fun =D. It came and went like... wind. Gone with the wind. The presents that I received are very nice, out of which Muffin is the best! Im talking about her..

Ok... I know the camera sucks haha. She is so cute and small that she fits into the feeding tray.. so I guess its a resting tray for now. She loves eating the hay.. loves dashing in circles in her cage so that the bedding plus hay plus poo will come flying out.. loves crawling under the sofa so that I can play hide and seek with her. =) Im totally in love with her. Did I mention? She pee-ed and poo-ed on the sofa.

Some quizzes are heading my way.. while Im trying to run away from them. Eventually they will catch me and inject some panic into me. -Don't try to pass the quiz, its impossible. Instead, realised the truth, there is no quiz.- Taken from The Matrix.. and I know this is bullshit.
2:57:00 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today is the __th day of school and I finally saw one familiar face... Mr Ang Ang Ang... ... ... Doraemon~ haha. Where are the rest of the familiar faces from the past?! Maybe I should open my eyes more.. coz they are pretty small in the morning heh.

The stack of notes from last semester is still staring at me from across the table. Still have not print my colorful excel timetable and... a lot more things waiting for me to clear. But I bought my 1st secondhand textbook today! Wow.. What an easy task hee.

So far so good, only overslept once since school started. Jia you yixin! Keep up the good work!
12:25:00 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009

They are the awefully cute S.H.E. and Kaixu! I had a whole great time on thurs la.. a day lined up with all the fun. Hee.. Went swimming in the afternoon hoping to get a little tan but the weather was.. u know.. black clouds + no rain. Which was definitely good enough. And a cute incident that hun and I haf to go back to her house ahaha!!

Then ingredients buying at Shop n' Save. Followed by cooking at my house. I would say its a huge success haha.. thick skin. Well.. mf and kx did say the food was nice =P. Btw... curry rice, chicken stew and potato salad were on the menu. I dont know why.. but we totally forgot the fried eggs until serving time. So we had to let it go.. cuz we were dead tired after the peeling of potatoes and crying for onions!

What else? The card for kx of cuz hee. Splendid, magnificient, fascinating and dazzling I would say ahaha.. thick skin again. Here's a few glimpse.

The day ended with eating ice cream and a little nice chat at Jurong Hill. I love it!! Hee.. nice huh. I love SHEK!! Okie.. I'm so excited for tml Yanzi's concert. I wonder how will it goes.. muz be high high and even higher =D.

2:02:00 AM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Crafty me. *

Cards are awesome. Especially handmade ones =) With a little bit of patience, creativity and materials, you can create wonders. Here are 2 cards of similar style. Which one is better? Well, I thought both are pretty in their own ways.

I'm pretty proud of the stitching. Hee.. it turned out so nice. In case you are wondering.. the 'Happy Birthday's in both cards are hand stitched! Clever right? LoL..

I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free. -- Michaelangelo
12:46:00 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
April.....!!! *

Some people may look forward to this month but im totally not. April = Exams. I got this feeling im getting worse at handling them. Why? Probably because I know I failed my Microbio test on wed. Watashi shock shock desu. How can I fail? Its just memory work and I failed. Dotz.. but I have no regrets going to the parties during the weekend lol. Sorry Lixin I couldnt attend yours.. its right in the middle of exams. Hope u have a really fun one!

Talking about exams.. would you rather have exams, say 5 papers, all squeeze into 1 week or spread across as many days as possible? I will take the latter.. ample time is what I want. I dont even have enough time to read thru the notes.. not to mention memorizing for some subjects. Why cant we have study week just like NUS.. haiz.

Stress stress... what if i fail my bio.. ta bao? Wa lao.. so scary. At least a C pls.. im not good at ta baoing things. Excited about yanzi concert yet very stress. I plan to memorize all the lyrics after exams... but will i get thru it? Oh no...! Im scaring myself. Shld I change my blog skin? Can I go overseas after exams? Haha.. so random..
11:03:00 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What's going on?!? Yea I'm refering to the two suicidal news that happened to occur right in my school. I think.. thats freakingly scary la. But actually... after some careful thinking.. I tot I'm also the kind that will just kill myself off when pushed into a corner. Of course, I will work my small little brain into finding ways round the corner first. But what if you never find it?

Da Mouth school concert was awesome! Haha.. because Aisha was damn Pretty and DJ Zhong Hua was damn Handsome. And surprisingly I knew the songs they sang.. So I dutifully went to buy their CDs and the autographs session. But I got just a little, a little only, annoyed. Because i guess the time concept of different friends is different. So I'm stuck in the middle dont know which to stick to. Did I mention before? I have this superb skill of hiding emotions. So I supposed no one found out.

So as my papa keep reminding me of.. this is the year of many birthday parties. Hope I'm invited to as many as possible then get all the ideas and put them into mine. Think it will really stress me out when the time comes. But what can you do when your daddy say.. 'You have to organise one, rmb all your cousins invited you to theirs?' A form of courtesy I guess.

Last of all, I wanna say, Yanzi is finally into action! Heard she's starting her world tour. First stop in may in taiwan. I cant wait... I wanna go... by hook or by crook. AHHH!!!!
2:58:00 AM


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